Difficulty, Accessibility, and How Sekiro Failed at Both

Difficulty, Accessibility, and How Sekiro Failed at Both

Whenever a high-profile, difficult game is released, we see the same arguments about difficulty and accessibility in games, and few titles have embodied this phenomenon as wholly as Sekiro, Many people feel they just can’t play the game, whether because it’s too hard, or because it’s lacking accessibility options.

So let’s look at why that feeling is valid, and how Sekiro could have done it better.

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Bloodborne and Mastering the Fundamentals

Bloodborne and Mastering the Fundamentals

The concept of “the fundamentals” is present in probably any area of life that one can get good at. You can think of them as the core skills that fall into that “easy to learn, hard to master” area, and for the most part, they are skills that just kind of come with experience. In Bloodborne, “the fundamentals” are front and center, and as it turns out, that’s a really good thing…

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