Smash Ultimate and Learning from Mobile Design

Smash Ultimate and Learning from Mobile Design

Mobile games get a pretty bad rap these day. People tend to look at them as exploitative, and only designed around making money. In a lot of cases they aren’t even wrong. They aren’t entirely wrong either, but the truth is that in reality, there is a lot more than that that goes into making a successful mobile game. I’ve always felt that there are a lot of concepts that, if applied smartly, could add a lot of value to a game.. So let’s look at just how Smash Ultimate does exactly that.

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The Wide World of Incremental Games

The Wide World of Incremental Games

Incremental games have always kind of fascinated me. Even before the genre really existed, I always thought it was really interesting whenever a game would allow you to continue making progress while offline, or not actively engaging with it. I’ve played a lot of games in this genre over the years, and they all have wildly varying designs and success levels, so I thought I would take a look at some of the titles that I know best, and try and pick out what sets the successful ones apart from the pack.

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Bloodborne and Mastering the Fundamentals

Bloodborne and Mastering the Fundamentals

The concept of “the fundamentals” is present in probably any area of life that one can get good at. You can think of them as the core skills that fall into that “easy to learn, hard to master” area, and for the most part, they are skills that just kind of come with experience. In Bloodborne, “the fundamentals” are front and center, and as it turns out, that’s a really good thing…

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How God of War's World Pulls You In (and keeps you there)

How God of War's World Pulls You In (and keeps you there)

When God of War (2018) came out it set the gaming community ablaze, and as it sat at a 98 on Metacritic, I was convinced that maybe there was something worth looking at here. As it turns out, God of War 2018 is really good video game. The thing that most impressed me was that, I felt pulled into the game world in a way that most games never achieve.

So, I thought I’d take a look at how they achieved this…

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Why Skill Trees are Great (but not so much in Assassin's Creed: Origins)

Why Skill Trees are Great (but not so much in Assassin's Creed: Origins)

If there is one absolute truth about my taste in games, it's that I love a good skill tree. I've always felt like a properly implemented skill system just adds so much depth to a game, and this can manifest in a huge number of ways. So when I learned that Assassin's Creed Origins was going to have a skill tree, I was pretty interested to see where it was going to go. Unfortunately, it’s was a bit of a disappointment…

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How Blue Dragon Fixed JRPG Class Systems

How Blue Dragon Fixed JRPG Class Systems

Games like Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 5, and Bravely Default share a very similar class system with Blue Dragon. What I found to be especially interesting though, is that Blue Dragon's version felt like a notable step up from the others - not because it did anything especially crazy to the formula, but simply because of some small tweaks to alleviate the pain points in said formula…

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